Cutting the Cord: Legal Practice Without a Server

As Published in TechnoFeature™ by TechnoLawyer in 2010 — In this sequel to the first Cutting the Cord article, Seth recounts how moving to the Cloud went for Basha Systems.

Stop, Look, Listen…Then Do: The Argument For Practice Management

As Published in Technology eReport in October 2002 — Back near the beginning of The New Millennium, Seth told out how to plan out their practice management policies.

How to Choose the Right Tools for Any Client Communication

By Wells H. Anderson and Seth G. Rowland

As Published in the GPSolo Magazine’s May/June 2014 Issue — Almost six years before the entire legal world was forced into tele-work by COVID-19, Seth Rowland teamed up with Wells Anderson, his colleague of 20+ years, to explore the upsides and downsides of different kinds of remote communication methods.

Start-Up Tech Your Law Firm Really Needs – Document Management and Assembly

As Published in GPSolo Magazine’s July/August 2018 issue feature: How to Start and Build a Law Practice — Want to know how to set up the basics of Document Management and Assembly that will make your new law firm competitively efficient? Check out this article for a how-to!

Key Demands for Your Next Cloud-Based Law Firm Billing Program

In an article commissioned by Centerbase, Seth Rowland lays out the seven key “demands” a law firm should have in mind when shopping around for a new cloud-based billing program.

Ditch Linked Accounting Software for Integrated Accounting Packages

by Caren Schwartz

In an article commissioned by Centerbase, Caren Schwartz explains why integrated accounting software packages benefits outweigh the flexibility of individual software custom-integrated together.

Five Reasons Your Law Firm Needs Workflow Software

In this piece commissioned by the cloud-based practice management software company Centerbase, we explain workflow software and why law firms can use it to maximize efficiency.

A Tale of Two Firms: Adventures In the Cloud

As Published in Probate & Property Magazine’s Jan-Feb 2014 issue — As Cloud Offerings become ever more diverse, law firms become more uncertain on how to decide when to move into the Cloud and how to do it.  In this 2014 article from ABA Probate and Property, Seth Rowland tells the tale of two firms who took the plunge into the cloud. He details the processes he went through with these firms to determine which were the best Cloud options for them and how to create a Cloud transition process that would guarantee acceptance by their staff.  Although the article is 6 years old, the advice is still fresh and relevant.

Moving Past Roadblocks to Automation: The Magical World of Document Assembly

As Published In Probate and Property Magazine‘s May-June 2019 issue — Welcome to Diagon Alley! In this article, Seth weaves the story of a young associate named “Harry P” into a review of all the major document assembly products on the market.

Legal Apps for the Lawyer on the Go

As Published in the May-June 2018 issue of GP Solo – This time, Seth brings in a younger perspective to discuss apps that could be useful to lawyers on smartphones. Seth and his college-aged son and colleague, Sam, have a discussion on how apps can help lawyers and paralegals do everything from answering email to accessing the office remotely to even on-the-go case law research.

Bundled For Success – The 21st Century Binder

As Published In Probate & Property Magazine’s May-June 2020 Issue – Seasoned lawyers know that project binders are a time-consuming, but important part of closing a case or transaction. In this article, Seth Rowland reviews and compares three bundling software products, used to streamline the creation of digital project binders: PDFDocs BinderBundledocs, and NetDocuments’ SetBuilder.

Exari 5.3: Browser-Based Document Assembly

As Published in TechnoLawyer on October 6, 2009: You’ve heard of document assembly, and you’ve heard of cloud computing (Software as a Service). And maybe you’ve even heard about Web-based document assembly tools. But what about document assembly in your own private cloud? That’s what Exari offers law firms that want an on-site solution with minimal software setup. How well does Exari work? Read document assembly expert Seth Rowland’s exhaustive review in this TechnoFeature to find out. Seth doesn’t just review Exari, but he also explains how to calculate the return on investment for your firm. This article contains 2,149 words.

Confessions of a Document Assembly Bounty Hunter

Large law firms have one of those “good problems” — a treasure trove of knowledge in the form of model documents that they find difficult to leverage and even find.

In this issue of BigLaw, former large firm lawyer and current HotDocs consultant Seth Rowland discusses his work as a “document assembly bounty hunter” using his recent experience with an AmLaw 100 firm’s trusts and estates department as an example. Seth explains the process of building a modern document automation system that law firms can modify on their own as their needs change.

How to Bill Every Penny You Earn

If you are going to “bill for your time,” it is critical that you have an accurate record of the work you performed.  If you are looking at Amicus Attorney, please take a look at this White Paper written by Seth Rowland for Gavel & Gown Software Inc.

Top Five Myths About Document Assembly

In this article, Seth Rowland, an application developer of document assembly systems, debunks the top five myths about document assembly software.

In doing so, he avoids the smarminess of many industry spokespeople and even admits to idiosyncrasies and limitations in the current generation of document assembly products. This honest approach has resulted in a valuable article that all law firms should consult before purchasing document assembly software. This article won the MasterPost, a writing contest in The TechnoLawyer Community.