Start-Up Tech Your Law Firm Really Needs – Document Management and Assembly

Source: Whitepapers

As Published in GPSolo Magazine’s July/August 2018 issue feature: How to Start and Build a Law Practice — Want to know how to set up the basics of Document Management and Assembly that will make your new law firm competitively efficient? Check out this article for a how-to!

Should You Cut the Cord and Move To The Cloud

Source: Whitepapers

A file server can cost upwards of $22,000 plus another $7,000 per year to maintain.  Should you instead keep that money in your bank account?  But can your law firm conduct  business without a server? In this TechnoFeature, legal technology consultant Seth Rowland explains how you can cut the cord by using “the cloud” — online applications for backups, practice management, and document management. But everything has a downside, which Seth also explores. What’s his verdict on moving the cloud? Read the article to find out.

White Paper – The Death of Travel

Source: Whitepapers

Writen in 2008 — In “The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century,” Thomas L. Friedman, argues that advances in technology and telecommunications have created a level playing field between competitors that has transformed the way business (and law) is conducted. In this article, Mr. Rowland looks at how “affordable” communications and web-based collaboration tools can now enable solopractitioners and small law practices to service clients on a global basis. In the “Death of Travel,” Mr. Rowland explains how “physical presence” is optional. Through technology, ad hoc teams of lawyers and specialists can be brought together on a moment’s notice with zero marginal cost to work together in virtual workspaces.