As Published in Technology eReport in October 2002 — Back near the beginning of The New Millennium, Seth told out how to plan out their practice management policies.
How to Choose the Right Tools for Any Client Communication
By Wells H. Anderson and Seth G. Rowland
As Published in the GPSolo Magazine’s May/June 2014 Issue — Almost six years before the entire legal world was forced into tele-work by COVID-19, Seth Rowland teamed up with Wells Anderson, his colleague of 20+ years, to explore the upsides and downsides of different kinds of remote communication methods.
Start-Up Tech Your Law Firm Really Needs – Document Management and Assembly
As Published in GPSolo Magazine’s July/August 2018 issue feature: How to Start and Build a Law Practice — Want to know how to set up the basics of Document Management and Assembly that will make your new law firm competitively efficient? Check out this article for a how-to!
Cloud-Based Document Utilities Every Lawyer Should Be Using
As Published in GPSolo Magazine’s July/August 2016 issue — Right when law firms were first starting to take notice of the cloud, Seth made them a shopping list for document management in the cloud.
Legal Apps for the Lawyer on the Go
As Published in the May-June 2018 issue of GP Solo – This time, Seth brings in a younger perspective to discuss apps that could be useful to lawyers on smartphones. Seth and his college-aged son and colleague, Sam, have a discussion on how apps can help lawyers and paralegals do everything from answering email to accessing the office remotely to even on-the-go case law research.
White Paper – The Death of Travel
Writen in 2008 — In “The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century,” Thomas L. Friedman, argues that advances in technology and telecommunications have created a level playing field between competitors that has transformed the way business (and law) is conducted. In this article, Mr. Rowland looks at how “affordable” communications and web-based collaboration tools can now enable solopractitioners and small law practices to service clients on a global basis. In the “Death of Travel,” Mr. Rowland explains how “physical presence” is optional. Through technology, ad hoc teams of lawyers and specialists can be brought together on a moment’s notice with zero marginal cost to work together in virtual workspaces.