A review of Centerbase, the first practice management software platform to be designed from the ground up for use in the Cloud.
Practice Management – The Next Generation with Centerbase
Source: Whitepapers
Source: Whitepapers
A review of Centerbase, the first practice management software platform to be designed from the ground up for use in the Cloud.
Source: Whitepapers
As Published in TechnoFeature™ by TechnoLawyer in 2010 — In this sequel to the first Cutting the Cord article, Seth recounts how moving to the Cloud went for Basha Systems.
Source: Whitepapers
A product summary of the Software as a Service product AdvologixPM written in 2010.
Source: Whitepapers
As Published in Technology eReport in October 2002 — Back near the beginning of The New Millennium, Seth told out how to plan out their practice management policies.
Source: Whitepapers
In an article commissioned by Centerbase, Seth Rowland lays out the seven key “demands” a law firm should have in mind when shopping around for a new cloud-based billing program.
Source: Whitepapers
by Caren Schwartz
In an article commissioned by Centerbase, Caren Schwartz explains why integrated accounting software packages benefits outweigh the flexibility of individual software custom-integrated together.
Source: Whitepapers
In this piece commissioned by the cloud-based practice management software company Centerbase, we explain workflow software and why law firms can use it to maximize efficiency.
Source: Whitepapers
As Published in Probate & Property Magazine’s Jan-Feb 2014 issue — As Cloud Offerings become ever more diverse, law firms become more uncertain on how to decide when to move into the Cloud and how to do it. In this 2014 article from ABA Probate and Property, Seth Rowland tells the tale of two firms who took the plunge into the cloud. He details the processes he went through with these firms to determine which were the best Cloud options for them and how to create a Cloud transition process that would guarantee acceptance by their staff. Although the article is 6 years old, the advice is still fresh and relevant.
Source: Whitepapers
If you are going to “bill for your time,” it is critical that you have an accurate record of the work you performed. If you are looking at Amicus Attorney, please take a look at this White Paper written by Seth Rowland for Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
Source: Whitepapers
Global warming is a myth! Why else would we be sitting here in the tundra just a few miles outside New York City? Why else would we be facing yet another “snow day” away from the office? All kidding aside, whether you believe that “global warming” is the cause of the unseasonable snowy weather or that the snow disproves the warming trend, the reality is that we have had to spend more days “out of the office” this winter than in previous years. These “business interruptions” would have been less severe if you had moved some or all of your business to “The Cloud”.
Source: Whitepapers
Working on vacation may sound like a terrible idea, but like anything it’s all relative. It beats canceling a vacation. Here’s the problem. You can’t manage your practice by calendar and email alone. You need access to your entire
practice management system. In this issue of TechnoFeature, lawyer and practice management expert Seth Rowland runs through the four current options for accessing your practice management system on the go. For each option, he discusses several products, including their pros and cons.
Source: Whitepapers
You don’t have to bankrupt yourself to invest in technology for your law firm. In this White Paper, Seth Rowland shows how to get technology “on the cheap.”
Source: Whitepapers
Check out the Top Five Essential Document Assembly Features in Practice Management Software in the White Paper for Amicus Attorney.
Source: Whitepapers
A file server can cost upwards of $22,000 plus another $7,000 per year to maintain. Should you instead keep that money in your bank account? But can your law firm conduct business without a server? In this TechnoFeature, legal technology consultant Seth Rowland explains how you can cut the cord by using “the cloud” — online applications for backups, practice management, and document management. But everything has a downside, which Seth also explores. What’s his verdict on moving the cloud? Read the article to find out.
Source: Whitepapers
Writen in 2008 — In “The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century,” Thomas L. Friedman, argues that advances in technology and telecommunications have created a level playing field between competitors that has transformed the way business (and law) is conducted. In this article, Mr. Rowland looks at how “affordable” communications and web-based collaboration tools can now enable solopractitioners and small law practices to service clients on a global basis. In the “Death of Travel,” Mr. Rowland explains how “physical presence” is optional. Through technology, ad hoc teams of lawyers and specialists can be brought together on a moment’s notice with zero marginal cost to work together in virtual workspaces.
Source: Whitepapers
Document Assembly Systems work best when they are paired with a Practice Management Systems which can feed data in to the Document Assembly system and eliminate duplicate entry. Please view this slideshow which demonstrates how Amicus Attorney and HotDocs can work together seamlessly to make lawyers efficiency experts.
Source: Whitepapers
And now for something “completely different” in law firm practice management — HoudiniESQ, a new practice management system developed from LOGICBit. You can host HoudiniESQ on a Windows, Mac, or Linux server, and use it in any Web browser. Sounds good, but
how well does it work? In this TechnoFeature, practice management and document assembly specialist Seth Rowland, Esq. takes HoudiniESQ for a spin and presents his findings.
Source: Whitepapers
Have you ever wanted to cut the cord and take your practice everywhere you go? Have you ever thought about all the money you spend on hardware and software? Practice management consultant Seth Rowland began hearing these questions from his clients a year ago. Ever since, he has searched for the best Web-based practice management system. In this TechnoFeature article, Seth reviews AdvologixPM, which is built on Salesforce.com’s Force.com platform. What does Seth think? Read his review to find out.
Source: Whitepapers
Software as a Service (SaaS) — we prefer the term Web app — has made significant inroads in areas such as project management and sales management. Themis Solutions has turned its attention to the legal profession. Its product, Clio, aims to make implementing a practice management system as simple as subscribing to a magazine. In this article, technology consultant and practice management expert Seth Rowland, Esq. reviews and rates Clio. Seth isn’t the only person who has reviewed Clio, but his evaluation is the most thorough. (Technolawyer – 2009)
Source: Whitepapers
Rocket Matter has rocketed into the practice management world, offering law firms a Web-based system for managing their practice. But is all the hype justified? That’s what we asked technology consultant and practice management specialist Seth Rowland, Esq. to find out. The result is a comprehensive review of Rocket Matter based on several months of use. Thinking of strapping your practice to Rocket Matter? Read Seth’s review for all the details.