As Published in Probate & Property Magazine’s Jan-Feb 2014 issue — As Cloud Offerings become ever more diverse, law firms become more uncertain on how to decide when to move into the Cloud and how to do it. In this 2014 article from ABA Probate and Property, Seth Rowland tells the tale of two firms who took the plunge into the cloud. He details the processes he went through with these firms to determine which were the best Cloud options for them and how to create a Cloud transition process that would guarantee acceptance by their staff. Although the article is 6 years old, the advice is still fresh and relevant.
Document Assembly 2002 (ABA)
This slideshow lays out, step by step, the proper procedure for creating a document assembly system. From Techshow 2002.
GhostFill vs HotDocs Head to Head
An in depth analysis for programmers of the differences and similarities between the two document assembly programs, HotDocs and Ghostfill.