How to Choose the Right Tools for Any Client Communication

Source: Whitepapers

By Wells H. Anderson and Seth G. Rowland

As Published in the GPSolo Magazine’s May/June 2014 Issue — Almost six years before the entire legal world was forced into tele-work by COVID-19, Seth Rowland teamed up with Wells Anderson, his colleague of 20+ years, to explore the upsides and downsides of different kinds of remote communication methods.

A Tale of Two Firms: Adventures In the Cloud

Source: Whitepapers

As Published in Probate & Property Magazine’s Jan-Feb 2014 issue — As Cloud Offerings become ever more diverse, law firms become more uncertain on how to decide when to move into the Cloud and how to do it.  In this 2014 article from ABA Probate and Property, Seth Rowland tells the tale of two firms who took the plunge into the cloud. He details the processes he went through with these firms to determine which were the best Cloud options for them and how to create a Cloud transition process that would guarantee acceptance by their staff.  Although the article is 6 years old, the advice is still fresh and relevant.

Affording Document Assembly – The Group Approach

Source: Whitepapers

As a document assembly consultant, I am often contacted  by  solo  or  small  attorney  firms  who are overloaded with work, champing at the bit to get  a  Document  Assembly  system,  realize  the value but are understandably nervous at the cost. And,  they  should  be.  Creation  of  a  good document assembly system is expensive in both time  and  money.  So here are some ideas on how to underwrite a good system.

Threat of Legal Process Outsourcing

Source: Whitepapers

How would you like a Tim Ferriss-style four hour work week? Impossible you say? Not with legal process outsourcing. Just send that multi-state research memo to India and your eDiscovery review to the Philippines.  Why hire overpriced American associates when you can outsource to cheap, English-speaking lawyers overseas?  Although tempting, legal process outsourcing has a dark side that threatens the American legal industry. In this  TechnoFeature, document and workflow automation expert and technology consultant Seth Rowland identifies the major LPO players, explains what they offer, and then lays out an alternative strategy that American law firms can employ to reduce costs and compete globally while avoiding the fate of American manufacturing companies that outsourced themselves into extinction.