Threat of Legal Process Outsourcing

Source: Whitepapers

How would you like a Tim Ferriss-style four hour work week? Impossible you say? Not with legal process outsourcing. Just send that multi-state research memo to India and your eDiscovery review to the Philippines.  Why hire overpriced American associates when you can outsource to cheap, English-speaking lawyers overseas?  Although tempting, legal process outsourcing has a dark side that threatens the American legal industry. In this  TechnoFeature, document and workflow automation expert and technology consultant Seth Rowland identifies the major LPO players, explains what they offer, and then lays out an alternative strategy that American law firms can employ to reduce costs and compete globally while avoiding the fate of American manufacturing companies that outsourced themselves into extinction.

Staff Reduction Technology

Source: Whitepapers

The secret to any meaningful increase in lawyer productivity on a mass scale lies in the Personal Digital Assistant, or hand held organizer. Actually, it is not the PDA itself that will yield this result. Rather, it is the case management systems that provide the data for the PDAs that will move the profession forward. The PDA is the agent of change.

Conference – Technology for Tightwads

Source: Whitepapers

What stops most legal professional from investing in the latest technology?  Money, of course.  What if  there was a way to get the advantages of technology on the cheap?  Check out this slideshow for some ideas.

Technology Investment And Staffing Ratios

Source: Whitepapers

When law firms and corporate law departments approach technology investments, they tend to ask the wrong question “How many staff can I eliminate if I adopt this technology?”  According to Seth Rowland, with a careful and specialized firm technology plan, a firm may be able to achieve a revenue return that may run into annual multiples of 10-100%.

Profiting from Document Assembly

Source: Whitepapers

Is Document Assembly “only” suitable for published Form sets? Absolutely Not.  In this prizewinning Technolawyer article from 2000, Seth Rowland explains how your Document Assembly System can become a firm profit center.