ABSOLUTEVALUE(NUM) Returns the absolute value of the given number.
AGE(DATE) Returns the difference between the given date and the current date in years.
ANS file HotDocs answer file – stores answers given by user in relation to documents.
ANSWERED (DIALOG) Returns true if the dialog has been answered; returns false if the dialog has not been answered.
ANSWERED (VAR) Returns true if the variable has been answered; returns false if the variable has not been answered.
ANT file HotDocs answer file in text format – very useful for debugging and finding where answers are provided incorrectly.
ANX file HotDocs answer file in xml format – very useful for debugging and finding where answers are provided incorrectly.
ASK Forces a dialog to be asked when encountered
ASSEMBLE Causes another document template or graphical form to be added to an assembly queue, based upon template logic.
CMP file HotDocs component file that stores all variable data for each template – ALWAYS has the same name as the doc it relates to
Computation Variable “Raw scripting” allows all types of variable functions and accumulates or produces results. Can be used as a “control center” to set other variable results, ask dialogs in specific order and other functions
COUNT(DIALOG) Returns the number of times a repeated dialog was answered.
COUNT(MULT_CHOICE_VAR) Returns the number of choices selected from a Multiple Choice variable.
COUNTER Returns the current repetition number of a repeat.
DATE-NUM DAYS Returns a date value based on the given date minus a given number of days.
DATE-NUM MONTHS Returns a date value based on the given date minus a given number of months.
DATE-NUM YEARS Returns a date value based on the given date minus a given number of years.
DATE+NUM DAYS Returns a date value based on the given date plus a given number of days.
DATE+NUM MONTHS Returns a date value based on the given date plus a given number of months.
DATE+NUM YEARS Returns a date value based on the given date plus a given number of years.
DATEOF(NUM,NUM,NUM) Returns a date value based on parameters for the day, month, and year.
Date Variable Date values; comparable to other date values
DAY OF WEEK(DATE) Returns an integer value for the day of the week of a calendar date (Sunday = 1).
DAY OF(DATE) Returns a number for the day portion of a given date.
DAYS FROM(DATE,DATE) Returns the difference in days between two dates.
Dialogs Collection of variables created by viewing a list of variables with a drag n drop interface.
DOT file Word or template with HotDocs ‘blue’ coding in it – does not hold any actual programming, merely markers that HotDocs picks up
ELSE Must follow an IF or ELSE IF command – allows a “one or the other” approach
ELSE IF Must follow an IF or ELSE IF command – allows multiple conditions to be specified inside a single IF statement
END IF Closes IF statement – must follow IF statement.
END REPEAT Closes REPEAT statement
FILTER Repeats a dialog, “filtering” for a specific condition (eg: Party is a borrower) and strips out records that do not meet the condition.
FIRST(TEXT,NUM) Returns a specified number of characters from the beginning of a text string.
FORMAT(VALUE,”EXAMPLE’) Returns a number, date, or true/false value as text.
Formats Output mask
HDL file HotDocs Library file – basically a delimited text file that stores a list of templates
IF Commences a conditional statement, must be terminated with END IF
INSERT Insert a template at the specified location
INTEGER(TEXT) Converts a text value to an integer.
LAST(TEXT,NUM) Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a text string.
LENGTH(TEXT) Returns a count of the number of characters in a text value, such as a Text variable.
MAX(NUM,NUM) Returns the greater of two numeric values.
Merge Text Works with multiple choice variables to produce multiple outputs. Merge lists eliminate the need for answering two variables.
MID(TEXT,NUM,NUM) Returns a specified number of characters from within a tex string.
MIN(NUM,NUM) Returns the lesser of two numeric values.
MONTH OF(DATE) Returns a number for a month portion of a given date.
MONTHS FROM(DATE,DATE) Returns the difference in months between two dates.
MULT_CHOICE != TEXT Returns true if the answer selected for the given Multiple Choice variable is not the given text value; returns false if the answer selected for the given Multiple Choice variable is the given text value.
MULT_CHOICE = TEXT Returns true if the answer selected for the given Multiple Choice variable is the given text value; returns false if the answer selected for the given Multiple Choice variable is not the given text value.
Multiple Choice variable Provides a list of options, each option being a text value which is usable for logical operations
NOT TRUE_FALSE Returns true if the true/false value resolves to false; returns false if the true/false value resolves to true.
Number Variable Numeric characters only, usable in mathematic operations
OTHER(MULT_CHOICE_VAR) Returns the text entered in the Other box of the Multiple Choice variable answer field.
Personal Information variable Internal HotDocs variables – basically a mini flat-file database which stores core values such as the firm name and phone number. Makes moving offices very simple.
PLAY Plays a word processor macro during the assembly of a template.
POSITION(TEXT,FIND_TEXT) Returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified text string within another text string.
POWER(NUM,NUM) Returns the value of a number raised to a specified power.
REMAINDER(NUM,NUM) Returns the remainder of a division.
REPEAT “Repeats” a dialog. Forces HotDocs to continually ask a dialog until no further answers are provided. Must be closed with END REPEAT
RESULT Returns the current value of the computation.
ROUND(NUM,NUM) Returns a decimal number rounded to a specified number of places.
RTF file Word or WordPerfect template with HotDocs ‘blue’ coding in it – does not hold any actual programming, merely markers that HotDocs picks up
SET Sets a variable to a specific value. Usable in conjunction with RESULT to SET a variable to the resultant value of a computation
SUM(COMPUTATION_VAR) Returns the sum of a repeated Computation variable.
SUM(NUM_VAR) Returns the sum of a repeated Number variable.
TEXT CONTAINS TEXT Returns true if the first given text value contains the text string in the second given text value; returns false if the first given text value does not contain the text string in the second given text value.
Text Variable Limited to 255 characters for data entry; any ansii character permissible. When set by a computation, may be able to hold additional characters.
TODAY Returns the current date.
True/False variable “Switch” variable – yes/no type result.
TRUNCATE(NUM,NUM) Truncates a decimal number at a specified number of places to the right of the decimal point.
UNANSWERED Returns a variable with an UNANSWERED value based on the SET VAR TO VALUE instruction.
WPT file WordPerfect template with HotDocs ‘blue’ coding in it – does not hold any actual programming, merely markers that HotDocs picks up.
YEAR OF (DATE) Returns a number for the year portion of a given date.
YEARS FROM (DATE,DATE) Returns the difference in years between two dates.
ZERO(NUM_VAR) Returns a value of zero if a Number variable is unanswered. If the Number variable is answered, the value of the answer is returned.
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