There are a number of potential uses of ContractExpress for law firms.
- Online marketing tool: Showcase your firm’s advanced capabilities to win new clients.
- Client collaboration tool: Enable clients to complete an intelligent online form and have the generated Word document automatically sent to an associate for review.
- Volume assembly engine: Manage volumes of employment claims on behalf of large corporate clients on-shore and at a price that satisfies the client and makes a healthy profit for the partnership.
- Client portal: Provide clients with user-specific “dashboards” to enter new deal information and generate locked PDFs of deal documents or automatically route to a lawyer for review depending on their answers to self-service questionnaires.
- Client document generator: Associates and paralegals can rapidly and accurately create client draft documents for subsequent negotiation by the firm’s lawyers, optionally aided by Contract Express Drafter. Easily generate repetitive “secondary” deal documents such as bondholders’ memos.
- Engagement letter generator: Create consistent and compliant engagement letters, ethical wall memos, and other firm administrative documents where speed, consistency, compliance, integration with other systems, and cost reduction are important.